Thursday, December 29, 2016

Camping for the first time - Pulau Ubin

The husband had ambitions of bringing the children camping. It was in the first half of the year that he bought a tent as he set his mind to do this with them. Now that the year is nearly at the end with him not needing to go to work, I was truly impressed when he said that he will do it.

The husband plotted the possible days the children can go... and the fateful day was picked - to be the Tuesday, 27th December. The weather in December is typically erratic and that was a possible show-stopper. After researching the weather, though, the husband made the decision on the night before that they will indeed go.

That morning, the daughter awoke - probably from excitement - very early; before I climbed out from bed (and I was the only one who had to because I had to work). The husband and the girl headed out to the supermarket to get their needs, and I did not even see them before I left for work. I kissed the sleeping boy and sent a text to the husband to say that I had to go already and requested for pictures.

Food and all their barang

I had a headache just looking at the things they had to pack, but I also appreciated that the children were in the best hands ever with the husband, and I was also thrilled at the night off from Mommy duty.

Look at how excited they are!
Boat-ing to Pulau Ubin
Jelutong Campsite
Camp all set-up

At this point, they had rung me 2-3 times. Telling me they were leaving the home, they had arrived, and the last conversation of the day was them saying that they had arrived, set up their tent, it was drizzling and that they needed to pick wood for their campfire later. Besides the fact that 'there are many ants', they sounded in good spirits!

Picking wood

Probably one of the highlights, roasting marshmallows!
Caption of this pic when the husband sent it: Jake and his Godzilla

So the boy must have thought (probably insisted) that the blob in the pic was Godzilla! Love their over-active imagination, hilarious.

While I was out at dinner with my friends, the husband texted me that they had gone to sleep. It was so nice to know that they were experiencing something entirely new, love it!

Asleep - this was probably the highlight of the husband's night.

So, I didn't query how they answered nature's calls, but K did mention 'by the seaside'. HAHA! That really cracked me up; and it's good to know that they are hardy enough to, well, get on with it.

In the night, the rain came down hard - I was actually cold in my bed - but the husband texted that they were fine in the rain. So good to know, that they survived the one night.

Waiting for the ferry back to SG
I tell my friends with pride, that the husband brought the children camping. We are firm believers in exposing them to an active lifestyle, and the husband is truly the best person to lead such activities.

The kids may not know it yet, but such experiences are truly amazing and I know that they have grown in their own ways from this, not to mention the special time they spent together with their father.

Thank you, husband for creating such lovely memories of the children. I am so proud of all 3 of you for enjoying this adventure!

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