Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tradition... of a different kind

For the past 3 years, the sister and I have been running the GE Run. It's become our thing - 2011, 2012, 2013.

This year, it took some effort (reluctance, somewhat) on our parts - part unfitness, part bad timing, part sloth, part supposed-to-be-Jay-Chou-concert-the-night-before.... well the point is - there were many parts. But despite all the uh, struggles, we still signed up.

The run was meant to be on November 9. The night before, there was thunderstorm. Not just any thunderstorm - but one that was uberly thunderous and lightning flashes so bright it lit up the whole sky at one go, and thunderous sounding sounds that shook homes and made me jump - type of storm.

The sister and I communicated the night before and made plans; I set my alarm clock for 5.45am ... and then we went to sleep.

The next morning, the cool early morning post-storm, I awoke. With. A. Start. The sun was up, the skies too bright... good morning me, it was 6.35am.

We broke the tradition this year, by signing up but not going for the run. But. If you look at it a different way; with how we tend to have odd glitches and, uh, situations like this and that time when we bought movie tickets for the wrong location - the sister and I still kept one part of tradition going on!

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